Wednesday, October 07, 2009

these last few days i've been having headaches. i mean very severe headaches that causes my head pounding, dizzyness, nausea and my world seems to spin. no, it's not a migraine, i know what i migraine is, coz i've had migraines a couple of times. people often mixed headaches with migraines, they say they have a migraine eventhough it's really a painful headache. well, to clear things up, here are a couple things u should know about a migraine.
  • Symptom of Migraines #1 – Aura                                                                                         Though only 15-20% of migraine sufferers get an aura, it's one of the clearest signs that you have migraine. Before you get a headache (though the aura may crop up during headache as well) you may get strange symptoms. You may see flashing lights or wavy lines, feel dizzy, or just not feel right.
  • Symptom of Migraines #2 – Where's the pain (and when is it leaving)??
    You may have heard that a symptom of migraines is pain on one side of the head. This is a common (not universal) symptom, but could also indicate a cluster headache or even (though rarely) a tension headache. Migraine pain is usually quite severe, but a tension headache is usually just a dull ache. Read more about tension headache symptoms. The pain usually lasts 1-3 hours (less in children) to 3 days (though rarely that long). Migraines may attack 1-4x per month (though in some people 10 or more times) or only 2 or 3 times over an entire lifetime.
    Another type of pain migraineurs deal with is called allodynia, which is a sensitivity to touch, on the scalp or arms. Read more about allodynia. 
    Believe it or not, pain is one possible symptom of migraine. Yes, most people with migraines have pain, but some people get migraines with no pain at all (silent migraine - often eye migraine). 
  • Symptom of Migraines #3 – Nausea
    Nausea and vomiting are among the most dreaded symptoms. Vomiting may be a sign that your headache is almost over, or that it's just starting. It can sometimes be so severe that it happens over and over in cycles and may cause dehydration.
  • Symptom of Migraines #4 – Low tolerance for . . .
    Light, odours, or noises. It is very typical of migraineurs that they will need to go and lie down in a dark, quiet room. If this sounds like you, you likely have migraine as opposed to cluster headaches, where the sufferer may want to walk around. 
  • Symptom of Migraines #5 – Behavioural Changes
    You may be irritable not just because of your pain, but because of the way migraine effects your brain (but don't use that as an excuse to yell at your spouse!). Other changes may include: becoming more passive, lower mental ability, restlessness, confusion. You may also have extra energy and euphoria, or even increased creativity! (Don't you wish you could choose your symptoms?!) At the worst, migraine sufferers feel like they're losing control, going crazy, and may even feel suicidal.
i still remember the first time i had a migrain. it was in my second grade of middle school. i suddenly had this cold feeling coming through my spine, i then saw flashing lights formed like waves, my vision was like a broken television.i guess that was the 'aura' said in point #1. and then the dizzyness came and i became all sweaty. i didn't really know what was happening to me, i just couldn't stand even the slightest light and the softest sound, it made my head hurt really bad. i remember throwing up in the bathroom, nothing but a yellowish foam came out of my mouth. so i ended up calling home to pick me up. 
i didn't really know what was wrong with me back then. i figured out that it was the symptoms of a migraine when i was in college! since that day, i've only had a migraine about 5-6 times, the last two times was when i was announced that i was accepted for my first job, and when i came home from umroh. since then, i haven't had a migraine yet (& hopefully wont get it again). 
trust me, you really dont wanna have a migraine. 
so, i know that my headaches i'm experiecing now aren't migraines.. cause i dont experienced that 'aura' (see symptoms #1) u get when ur gonna have a migraine. i only have this severe headache, beginning from the top of my head, and ending to the back of my neck. what should be my problem now? some of my friends say that it's stress due to my wedding next month, but i dont feel any worry, let alone any stress!
this morning, my brother yoma, said to me that i shouldn't worry, he told me a Hadis Shahih from Al-Bukhari which said : Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet said,
"No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."  
well, Aamiin to that..!! Thanks mas yoma..=)!!
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Luthfi said...

kalo buat aku si, migrain terjadi kalo makan tak teratur. heran emang, bukan maag yg datang tapi malah migrain... hohoho...

anyway, baru tau kalo mo nikah. selamat menempuh hidup baru kalo gitu.

Anonymous said...

lhooh jadi jg tho akhirnya :)


Unknown said...

@lutfi : yup..thanks lut..=)
@mas yoyom : jadi dong insyaAllah..doain ya..;)