Sunday, October 04, 2009

does SIZE really matter??

a couple of weeks ago, Garing & I went out to Senayan City to go shopping for our wedding preparations.. (yes, it's getting close guys!). after about an hour of wandering around, i finally spotted it.. it was a famous lingerie shop = La Senza.. and the windows wrote =The Biggest Sale Everr!!! 

me : yang!! look! La Senza is having it's biggest sale ever!! come on buy me something for our honeymoon!!!

garing : ok, let's go inside and check it out..

me : yay!!

so we went in, and searched for the perfect piece..

me : yang, which one should i get? how about this one (pointing at a little red one), or this one? (a white one) or maybe this one (a black one)??

garing : how about this one? (he pointed at a gorgeuous baby pink bustier), this one looks pretty nice..

me : oh thats gorgeuous!! ok, i'll try it on first..

i asked the saleswoman to give me the smallest size, and she gave me an S. then i went to the fitting room..

..a couple of minutes later i went out, gave the piece back to the saleswoman and headed straight back to Garing.

garing : (looking at my puppy face) what's wrong?

me : i dont wanna buy it..

garing : why?

me : *hesitating for a while*... (whispering) it doesn't fit..

garing: what? which part doesnt fit??

me : ughh.. do have to ask?? the cup doesnt fit!!

garing : but thats already an S??

me : aaaaarrrrggghhh!!!

garing : huahahahaa... just try another one..

me : no. lets get out of here.

garing : (says nothing.. but just smiles, hugs me and pats me on the head)

what does that mean?? does size really matter to him (or all men?)..? is that a sarcastic smile, a dissapointed smile or what?? hhhmm.. i'll just have to wait and see next month..

*hey guys out there in the world!! what's your opinion? do you think size really matter??


aDisHa ^.^ said...

enggak kok Jeung..
cowok pasti akan bersyukur klo size ceweknya lumayan, tp klo buat pasangan hidup kan dilihat dari satu paket utuh, nantinya itu g akan jd masalah lg

* itu pengakuan para cowok se :P

seperti halnya cowok yg minder klo itunya mini, tp klo dah jd suami qta kan semuanya juga pasti kita trima apa adanya kan?? hihihi...

Unknown said...

hhmm..gitu ya jeung..
mudah2an benul.. benar & betul.. hohoho..=p