On my previous post I gave you tips on traveling with a baby by car, now i'm gonna give you tips on traveling with a baby by plane..:).
Travelling Tips :
- Actually, a baby as old as one day is ok to fly by plane, but what must be considered is that a newborn baby's immune system hasn't developed fully, so there'll be higher risks that your baby may catch germs and viruses such as the flu in the plane coz the air circulation is in only one place (in the plane). So it's better to consult with your pediatric first before flying if you're not sure. Kia herself made her first flight at the age of 3 months, and Alhamdulillah was fine..:).
- If you're concerned that passing the metal detector door at the airport will effect your baby (or baby in the belly), don't be. Metal detectors are perfectly safe and don't spread any radiation, they only detect metal with a simple signal. The only radiation there is, is at the X-Ray table for your luggage (you're not planning to go in there, right? LOL).
- A couple of hours before boarding, try to give your baby some fruits like oranges, so that she can take a poo before take-off, it'll be very stressful to have to change a diaper in the airplanes lavatory.
- Just in cased of a delay (which commonly occurs in Indonesian aviation), don't forget to bring your baby's favorite toys to cheer her up.
- When checking in, it's best for you to ask a seat by the window, so for you breastfeeders, you'll have some privacy.
- The sayings that you should put earplugs or even cotton in your baby's ears is just a myth. The pressure difference from onshore to the air will not damage your baby's ears, it will just make your baby feel uncomfortable, which will lead to a baby cry-out.
- To avoid the uncomfy feeling, right before take-off and right before landing, you should breastfeed, or give milk or give your baby something to swallow, so that her ears won't be stuffed. Just like you're offered candies right before take-off, to ease off the uncomfy feeling in your ears.
- Don't forget to ask the stewardess for a baby kit.
- If you're bringing a baby stroller with you, it's ok for you to bring it to the plane (don't need to check it in the baggage), some airlines make you leave it right in front of the plane door, some make you leave it besides the plane stairs. The airline staff will take it right away, and you could claim it again when you've landed at the stairs or at the baggage claim.
Well, that's about it I guess, have a nice flight.. bon voyage..:))!
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