11.11.10 (PART 2-BIRTH)
My hubby's work required him to occasionally meet clients out of town. I already alarmed him to not go out of town after my 8 months of pregnancy. But on the 36 week, my hubby had a training at Bandung, so he had to leave, coz it was a mandatory training and couldn't be replaced. The next day after he went, I got brownish discharge and thought that i was gonna be in labour soon. Being alone by myself, I panicked called everyone, and the all rushed to come to Prabumulih, that includes my hubby, my mom and my father inlaw.. All to a result that it was a false alarm. Oops.. sorry everyone! Haha..
Because it's a long journey from Medan to Prabumulih, mom decided to stay until my birth.. after day, walk after walk (my mom insisted me to take long walks every afternoon..phew!), there were no signs of labour again. So mom decided to go back to Medan..
Again, at the 39th week, my hubby had to go to Tanjung Enim (about 4 hours ride from Prabumulih) to meet a very important client with his boss. The nite before, I had a very thick brownish discharge with a little hint of blood, told hubby but he said it was nothing, and not to worry. So okay, I went back to sleep.
Kia right after birth
So in the morning after my husband left, I instructed the painters in my house (my house was being renovated at the time) to finish up quickly, coz I might be giving birth soon. After talking to the painters, I went back to my room to take a morning nap.. Suddenly, I felt something wet in my pants and I couldnt hold it.. Oh My God! My water broke! Checked the clock it was 9.30 am.. But, the funny thing is, I didn't panic, I just called my hubby, called my mom, then went to the shower, dried my hair and then finish up packing a lil' bit..haha.. It's because I didn't feel any contraction so I was so relaxed.
Finally my hubby's co-worker (mas hendri-thanks so much you're a life saver!) came to take me to the hospital, along with an intern at my hubby's office, so that she could accompany me before my hubby came (thank you too intern at hubby's office! sorry I forgot your name, but i'll never forget your help!).
When I arrived at the hospital at 10 am (actually the hospital was right behind my house, hehe..), I check in the ER, they checked on me, made me sign some papers i didn't even read, then took me to the delivery room. There was no doctor yet only a midwife to check on me. So, she checked my dilation, it was only 1 with no contraction. So she called my doctor and the doctor said that I should get an induction.
So still alone with the intern, i got the induction through the iv i got. Not long after that..ugh, the pain came along.. woww.. yep, i had to deal with the pain till my hubby came with only an intern and a couple of junior nurses (good thing they were all nice and very patient with me). The nurses all encouraged me to hang in there, just remember that soon i'll have a beautiful baby in my arms..:)
At 11.30 am, which seemed forever, my hubby finally came with his boss, just to make things worse..haha.. all i remembered was that he tried to cheer me up by making jokes, giving me a back rub, but what could be funny when you have a baby kicking your tummy trying to get out? (sorry dear hubby, i still love you always..:*)
Anyway, at 5.30 pm (yup, 6,5 hours of contraction!), the midwife checked my dilation again but it only opened to 2, so the doctor gave me another kind of induction.. and you know what?! it was 100x more powerful than the first one! wow i can't even describe the excruciating pain, all i remember was i kept on holding tight the railings of my bed to keep the pain (after giving birth i realized that i had marks on my hand becoz of it). I'm actually known as a person who can tolerate pain, but surprise2.. i even kept screaming to ease the pain..
At 7.15 pm, the midwife check my dilation again, and tada! it was complete! yay! let's get this done with.. but, no no.. i had to wait for my doctor to come..oh no! Luckily, Prabumulih is a small city where everybody lives close by, so in 15 minutes, the doctor was there, and at 7.30 pm the labour started. I didn't join any classes, nor did i read about how to give birth, i thought it was a natural thing, so didn't really care. Turns out that there's really a technique in giving birth, so i was learning buy doing (the nurses taught me how to position my arms and legs).
As I said before, there was only the two of us, my hubby and i, mom was still in the way to Prabu, so we had to do this by ourselves, i didn't really mind at all, all i wanted was to get this baby out! haha.. so, as the instructions from the doctor, i started pushing, don't really know what i was pushing, LOL.. but the doctor said i was doing good, so i continued what i was doing.. only three pushes and the baby was out! wow the most wonderful feeling i've ever had..:)

Hubby first time holding Kia
Kia was soon cleaned, wrapped and put in my chest to have an IMD-Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (dunno how to say it in english), after 45 minutes, Kia succeeded in find her first meal..;)
So, that's the story of Kia's birth. 11.11.10, at 7.45 pm... Hope I didn't bore you :).
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