Wednesday, January 11, 2012


In Islam, every baby who's born has to be 'aqiqah'ed by sacrificing a lamb or goat. It's also usually followed by the cut or shaving the baby's hair. The rule is for baby girls it's 1 lamb, and for baby boys it 2 lambs. The purpose of aqiqah is announcing the blessing of Allah with the birth of a baby. The ideal time of aqiqah is the seventh day after birth, but some beliefs are it could be on the seventh, fourteenth and so on. Kia's aqiqah was on the seventh, 18 November 2011.

Me getting ready for the ceremony..;;)

 Baby Kia 7 days old..:D

We also invited some foster kids, for their blessings..:)

Angku and Datuk was there :D!

Me, hubby and Baby K

Datuk Cutting Kia's Hair

Angku Cutting Kia's Hair

The cakes!
The Catering from Resto Sederhana

Location : My House, Prabumulih
Time & Date : 7.00 pm, 18.11.2010