Friday, January 13, 2012

The Drilling Family :D

Well, for you who don't know, I work at a Drilling Company.. You know, the ones who drill holes wells in the ground, to create oil wells, so that the oil in the ground can be sucked out.

So, to introduce hubby and my baby K in what I do for a living, I took them to visit one of our rigs, which  is located near our home. The rig we visited was N80B1/27, 1000 HP.

Having a safety induction before site visit

We left Kia with Mas Hakim (Rig Superintendent) at the Camp..Haha.. Sorry mas Hakim..:D

I also took Angku (my father) to visit the same rig, when he came to Prabumulih to visit us..:)
Angku & Kia in Front of The Rig 

Eating at the Rig Catering

Mas Ardian (Rig Superintendent) explaining Angku the Drilling Process @ the Rig Office

Location : Rig N80B1/27, Prabumulih
Time & Date : Noon, Forgot when, between July-September 2001 :D