this afternoon, kak keke and i went weekly shopping to carrefour.. eventhough we never tried it by ourselves before, we decided to take the 'metromini'..
after waiting for a few minutes our ride finally came, and we went on, although struggling to balance our feet coz the driver already started to drive before we had a chance to sit..
all was running well, when i remembered something.."how the hell do we say stop?!". I asked keke and she didn't know either.. is it "kiri mas..", "berhenti mas..", or what?
trying to figure out how to say it, we didn't realize that we almost missed our destination, keke & i panicked, "kak, dah nyampe kak!!!" finally, panickly, keke yelled, "bang! minggir bang!!!", the driver didn't hear her. "MINGGIIIIIRRRR!!!!!" , as soon as she shouted that, every single eye on the passengers head turned to us.. oh god, they must of thought, what kind of thug shouted? and after they realized it was two girls shouting, they turned in complete shock..
so, saving ourselves from humiliation, we hurried and got off the metromini, laughing hillariously at ourselves...=)
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