Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i hate goodbye's.. it's always been hard for me to say goodbye, i'd prefer saying, "see u later" than goodbye. it has a more positive & optimistic meaning i guess..
i recently met new friends, a new community, that actually made my life 'brighter'.. but all of a sudden, just when we were beginning to get close, to know each other more, all was taken away from me again.. we all had to go our separate ways, for now.
but, i guess that's life.. there are meetings & separations, greetings & farewells, sadness & happiness, good & bad, everything has it balance..
just wish that we could have time to prepare the balance, so we wont have any regrets. but life would be to easy, huh?
anyways, see u later my dear friends, wish you the greatest luck & success!!!


aDisHa ^.^ said...

yaelah jeung...
nemu blogmu malah dr FB :D

ditambah dong semangat bulisnya....