Friday, October 30, 2009

Just wonderin'.. Til this moment, there are about 70 hits on my counter, but nobody seems to comment any of my postings.. Why?? Why!!! Hehe.. Is it becoz they dont understand?? Is it becoz my postings are boring?? Hhmm..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

*indonesian version # 3

ini cerita tentang hubungan antara kata2 dengan otak ngeres.

ceritanya berawal dari bosku yang baru pulang dinas dr LN & membawakan kami oleh2 coklat. coklatnya berbentuk bulet, milk chocolate yang berisi kacang almond dan dilapisi dengan bubuk dark chocolate, sehingga kalau di jilat, rasanya pahit. rasa pahitnya langsung hilang kalo kita makan sekaligus satu butir. jadi kalo mau dimakan, jangan dites2 dulu dengan dijilat, tp langsung masuk bulet2 ke mulut.

nah, tadi pagi temen2ku pada dateng ke kubikelku (yang ngga tau kenapa,pasti selalu penuh dengan makanan) untuk mencari cemilan. ak tawarin deh coklat itu. yang pertama dateng itu robby dan (sebut saja) indra.

robby : eh, bagi cemilan dong.

ak : nih, ada coklat makan aja.

robby : (dengan menjilat/mengisap dulu-->knapa sih orang pny kebiasaan menjilat coklat?).. ih, kok pahit coklatnya?

ak : ga pait rob, itu luarnya aja. coba deh, lsg makan, pasti enak.

rob : (lsg makan). oia, enak ya..

lalu dateng lah daddy aldi..

robby : di, cobain nih, coklatnya sih dyta. (sambil ketawa)

karena robby pake acara ketawa, si aldi jadi ragu utk mencobanya.

aldi : ini apaan sih dyt?

ak : itu coklat dad! (kami memanggilnya daddy krn dia pny sifat kebapakan..hoho)

aldi : oh, ya sudah. ak coba kalo gitu..(memulai menjilat/mengisap coklatnya)

ak : eh! jangan diisep, langsung dimasukin aja!!

tiba2, ga ada angin, ga ada ujan.. si indra ketawa terbahak2!!

ak : knapa kau ndra?

indra :ak ga nyangka kau ngomong kaya' gitu dyt..

ak : lah emang knapa?

tp mukanya lsg bersemu merah kaya tomat. setelah beberapa lama ak baru menyadari kalo ada arti lain dr kata2ku tadi, yg hanya bisa terpikir oleh orang yg punya otak ngeres.. 

dasar kau ndra!! pikiranmu itu..ckckck.. cepatlah kau married!! hihihi..;)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

these last few days i've been having headaches. i mean very severe headaches that causes my head pounding, dizzyness, nausea and my world seems to spin. no, it's not a migraine, i know what i migraine is, coz i've had migraines a couple of times. people often mixed headaches with migraines, they say they have a migraine eventhough it's really a painful headache. well, to clear things up, here are a couple things u should know about a migraine.
  • Symptom of Migraines #1 – Aura                                                                                         Though only 15-20% of migraine sufferers get an aura, it's one of the clearest signs that you have migraine. Before you get a headache (though the aura may crop up during headache as well) you may get strange symptoms. You may see flashing lights or wavy lines, feel dizzy, or just not feel right.
  • Symptom of Migraines #2 – Where's the pain (and when is it leaving)??
    You may have heard that a symptom of migraines is pain on one side of the head. This is a common (not universal) symptom, but could also indicate a cluster headache or even (though rarely) a tension headache. Migraine pain is usually quite severe, but a tension headache is usually just a dull ache. Read more about tension headache symptoms. The pain usually lasts 1-3 hours (less in children) to 3 days (though rarely that long). Migraines may attack 1-4x per month (though in some people 10 or more times) or only 2 or 3 times over an entire lifetime.
    Another type of pain migraineurs deal with is called allodynia, which is a sensitivity to touch, on the scalp or arms. Read more about allodynia. 
    Believe it or not, pain is one possible symptom of migraine. Yes, most people with migraines have pain, but some people get migraines with no pain at all (silent migraine - often eye migraine). 
  • Symptom of Migraines #3 – Nausea
    Nausea and vomiting are among the most dreaded symptoms. Vomiting may be a sign that your headache is almost over, or that it's just starting. It can sometimes be so severe that it happens over and over in cycles and may cause dehydration.
  • Symptom of Migraines #4 – Low tolerance for . . .
    Light, odours, or noises. It is very typical of migraineurs that they will need to go and lie down in a dark, quiet room. If this sounds like you, you likely have migraine as opposed to cluster headaches, where the sufferer may want to walk around. 
  • Symptom of Migraines #5 – Behavioural Changes
    You may be irritable not just because of your pain, but because of the way migraine effects your brain (but don't use that as an excuse to yell at your spouse!). Other changes may include: becoming more passive, lower mental ability, restlessness, confusion. You may also have extra energy and euphoria, or even increased creativity! (Don't you wish you could choose your symptoms?!) At the worst, migraine sufferers feel like they're losing control, going crazy, and may even feel suicidal.
i still remember the first time i had a migrain. it was in my second grade of middle school. i suddenly had this cold feeling coming through my spine, i then saw flashing lights formed like waves, my vision was like a broken television.i guess that was the 'aura' said in point #1. and then the dizzyness came and i became all sweaty. i didn't really know what was happening to me, i just couldn't stand even the slightest light and the softest sound, it made my head hurt really bad. i remember throwing up in the bathroom, nothing but a yellowish foam came out of my mouth. so i ended up calling home to pick me up. 
i didn't really know what was wrong with me back then. i figured out that it was the symptoms of a migraine when i was in college! since that day, i've only had a migraine about 5-6 times, the last two times was when i was announced that i was accepted for my first job, and when i came home from umroh. since then, i haven't had a migraine yet (& hopefully wont get it again). 
trust me, you really dont wanna have a migraine. 
so, i know that my headaches i'm experiecing now aren't migraines.. cause i dont experienced that 'aura' (see symptoms #1) u get when ur gonna have a migraine. i only have this severe headache, beginning from the top of my head, and ending to the back of my neck. what should be my problem now? some of my friends say that it's stress due to my wedding next month, but i dont feel any worry, let alone any stress!
this morning, my brother yoma, said to me that i shouldn't worry, he told me a Hadis Shahih from Al-Bukhari which said : Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet said,
"No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."  
well, Aamiin to that..!! Thanks mas yoma..=)!!
source :

Monday, October 05, 2009

vote Komodo Island to be the next 7 wonders of the world!!

guys!! click here , go to the New7Wonders to vote for Komodo island to be in the next 7 wonders of the world!!!

vote vote vote!!

hurry up! we're already in the finals, but currently in bottom four..=(

if u really call urself a proud indonesian, u should vote!!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

does SIZE really matter??

a couple of weeks ago, Garing & I went out to Senayan City to go shopping for our wedding preparations.. (yes, it's getting close guys!). after about an hour of wandering around, i finally spotted it.. it was a famous lingerie shop = La Senza.. and the windows wrote =The Biggest Sale Everr!!! 

me : yang!! look! La Senza is having it's biggest sale ever!! come on buy me something for our honeymoon!!!

garing : ok, let's go inside and check it out..

me : yay!!

so we went in, and searched for the perfect piece..

me : yang, which one should i get? how about this one (pointing at a little red one), or this one? (a white one) or maybe this one (a black one)??

garing : how about this one? (he pointed at a gorgeuous baby pink bustier), this one looks pretty nice..

me : oh thats gorgeuous!! ok, i'll try it on first..

i asked the saleswoman to give me the smallest size, and she gave me an S. then i went to the fitting room..

..a couple of minutes later i went out, gave the piece back to the saleswoman and headed straight back to Garing.

garing : (looking at my puppy face) what's wrong?

me : i dont wanna buy it..

garing : why?

me : *hesitating for a while*... (whispering) it doesn't fit..

garing: what? which part doesnt fit??

me : ughh.. do have to ask?? the cup doesnt fit!!

garing : but thats already an S??

me : aaaaarrrrggghhh!!!

garing : huahahahaa... just try another one..

me : no. lets get out of here.

garing : (says nothing.. but just smiles, hugs me and pats me on the head)

what does that mean?? does size really matter to him (or all men?)..? is that a sarcastic smile, a dissapointed smile or what?? hhhmm.. i'll just have to wait and see next month..

*hey guys out there in the world!! what's your opinion? do you think size really matter??

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

*indonesian version # 2

While You Were Talking

ak punya kebiasaan buruk.. i like to fall asleep during a phone call! yup, ini sering terjadi padaku dan semakin menjadi belakangan ini.. jadi me & my BF (garing) punya kebiasaan untuk telponan sebelum tidur.. nah, disitulah ak sering tertidur bahkan ampe mimpi segala..

berikut beberapa kejadian yang memiriskan itu..

kejadian 1

garing : yang, steve jobs itu keren bgt loh yang..

me : oia? kerennya dmn yang?

garing : iya, dia itu ide2nya brilian.. bla..bla..bla..

me : ...*silent*

garing : gitu yang.....halo? halo yang? halo??


tiba2 ak kaget, terlompat dari di tempat tidur.. ternyata ak tertidur,& tadi setelah si garing memanggil2ku beberapa kali & ga ada sahutan, dia mematikan telponnya & menelponku kembali utk membangunkanku.. hhhmmm...

kejadian 2

me : yang, beda iphone 3G sama 3Gs apa sih yang?

garing : yang 3Gs kan dah ada videonya yang..

me : oo gitu, trus apalagi yang?

garing : ya ga banyak.. palingan OSnya, tp OS km kan dah ak upgrade-in kmrn, jd dah sama aja ama OS 3Gs.. selain itu, ...bla..bla..bla....

me : ...*silent*

garing : bla..bla..bla..

me : yang, dah slesai km masaknya?

garing : huh? km ngomong apa sih yang?

me : huh? *menyadari bahwa ak tertidur&mimpi si garing lg masak*... ak ga ngomong apa2 kok..

garing : km mimpi lg ya yang?

me : ngga kok!!!

garing : *sigh* yaudah, km tidur aja gih sana..

huhu.. maaf ya yang, krn ak sering fall asleep while you were talking...='(

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

*indonesian version (lagi males berbahasa inggris..hihihi)

dulu pernah kerja diperusahaan telekomunikasi.. sebagai account manager.. istilahnya sih keren, ada embel2 managernya, padahal artinya ya marketing juga.. jadi kita tugasnya mengelola (memanage) account2(nasabah2) yang kita miliki.. banyak suka-dukanya sih kerja di perusahaan telekomunikasi ini, salah satunya kita dituntut harus update segala macam hal ttg teknologi telekomunikasi, baik mulai dari telepon rumah, GSM & CDMA technology, internet, maupun secure network seperti VPN atau frame relay... bebeubeuh...apaan tuh? sempet kerepotan sih awalnya (sampe terakhir jg masih bingung sih ttg VPN & frame relay itu..hihi), tp lama2 terbiasa juga..

berikut salah satu kisah bodohku sebagai marketing :

Tempat : kantor klienku

Kejadian : visiting klien sekalian nawarin produk

Kronologi :

ak : halo pak.. pa kabar nih??

klien X : oh, baik baik.. gmn mba dyta, dah lama ya ga maen kesini..

ak : hehe, iya pak lg byk orderan nih, jd baru sempet maen kesini skrg.. sori ya pak..hehe.. (pdhl orderan jg ga byk2 amat, dasar males aja jualan..hoho..)

setelah berbasa-basi selama +/- 10 menit, akhirnya si bapak nanya,

klien X : jd gmn, apa produk terbaru kalian??

ak : (aha! kebetulan sekali!) oh ini pak... kita punya layanan CDMA terbaru pak, ada paket ini..bla..bla..bla.. cobain dong pak.. saya jg ga pake loh..

klien X : ah, kalo CDMA pasti jelek, suka kaya GSM..

ak : ngga dong pak, itukan dulu, skrg jaringan CDMA kita dah disempurnain, dah ga pernah call drop lg..

kriiiinggg...!! (tiba2 hp CDMAku berbunyi..--> bunyinya kok kring sih dyt?jadul bgt..hoho..)

ak : (oh, ternyata klienku, pak A) sebentar ya Pak, saya terima dulu

klien X : oh, silahkan silahkan..

ak : *menerima telepon*.. selamat siang pak A.. pa kabar?

pak A : siang mba Dyta... mba, saya mau nanya... tuut..tut..tuuuuuttt..

(oh my god! teleponnya call drop! padahal baru aja ak promosiin kalo CDMAnya ga pernah call drop lg.. gmn dong?) akhirnya dengan bodohnya...

ak : oh, tentang pemasangan telepon kantor bapak ya.. oh, udah beres pak.. siang ini bakal kita install.. ok pak.. iya, makasi.. iya, sama2 pak.. selamat siang..

ak ngomong sendiri kaya orang gila, untungnya aktingku lumayan, jadi si klien X keliatannya percaya2 aja tuh..hihihi..(untungnya jg, ga ada telepon masuk lg)

Alhamdulillah, setelah itu ak berhasil menjual 1 buah CDMA ama si klien X.. makasi pak X..=), maaf telah mengelabuimu dengan aktingku yang ciamik..hihihi..;))

*sebagai catatan, produk CDMA kami sekarang dah bener2 sempurna lowh..bener2 ga pernah call drop lagi.. suer deh..^^v!!

I'm Coming Home Mama..=)!!

Yay! Just 3 more days and i'll be back @ my hometown, Medan.. Cant hardly wait..^^!

Plans when i get back :

  1. Meet my dear Ameera for the first time!!!
  2. Hug & Kiss My Mom & Dad..^^ (oh yeah, my brother too.. miss u dance'!!hihi..)
  3. Get a facial (a must!)
  4. Take a nap in my own bed (oh beddy, i miss your cozy self!!)
  5. Meet up with my fav cousins, Getta, Ninon & Sheila
  6. Meet up with my bestfriends (G-11, i miss u guys!!!)
  7. Eat Medan culinary! (duren, kerang rebus, dimsum nelayan, nasi goreng surya, lontong bu seri (with bakwan), sop sipirok, nasi padang garuda/uni emi, martabak gapa, sate padang, tahu isi endang, sate kerang)
  8. Go to cambridge (wanna see how 'cool' it is)
  9. Go to grandma's house
  10. Buy sandals & a matching purse
  11. Fitting my kebaya's

Hhmm..what else?? Oh, i'll just think of it on the way.. Medan.. Here i cooommeee...^^!!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

i'm currently listening to.. 

fall for you by secondhand serenade

just love the music & lyrics..=)

Friday, September 04, 2009


The second day i arrived in Jakarta, i was 'welcomed' by an earthquake!! Jakarta was hit by an earthquake, which was centralized in Tasikmalaya, 7,6SR. It was told that about 40 people died in Tasik because of this quake & alot more were injured. My deepest condolesense for the quakes victims & their families.

Here's my story..

It all started when my friends & i were getting ready to go home from the office..(it was about 2.50pm), when suddenly i felt a slight vibration, below me.. than the building started to shake.. At first we were just laughing and walked slowly towards the emergency stairs, but then started to panic when the shaking became stronger & we were stuck in the stairways with everybody in the building..

But finally, after climbing down 15 stories (with my highheels on!!) we finally reached the ground floor and went outside to the muster point. There really wasnt any muster point, so we just tried to find our other fellow officemates. Fortunately everyone was safe, except Mr. Faried who decided not to go down (dont know the reason why though). That was when we realized that we didn't bring our bags with us. I only got to bring my iPhone, without my wallet & pretty much the same with my friends.. so we had to wait til the situation was safe enough to go back to get our belongings..

After waiting for about half an hour we were allowed to enter the building again, but my friends and i didnt dare to go, so we asked our friends who went to fetch our bags. We finally got our bags and headed home..

But that was only half my story that day.. Here's the other half..

So I went home at about 4.30pm, riding the metromini again but unfortunately every metro was so crowded! But because i wanted to get back home in time for fast breaking, i decided to ride that crowded metro.. when we were @ gatsu, i suddenly felt dizzy, nauseaus, & started to sweat heavily. i realized that i was starting to faint (coz i've fainted a lot of times, i know the symptoms..hehe), i started to panic coz there wasnt any room for me to sit down or squat (i was standing up the whole time). so when we reached kuningan, i decided to get off. so i got off, & really started to faint.. there was like a cold breeze coming towards me (even though the sun was extremely hot that day) i couldnt think at all & remembered that i just sat there, in the side of the road..(hahaha, must be a very pathetic site of me!)

dont really remember how long i sat there, but than my vision became normal again. a slight dilemma than came over me, if i ride the metro again, i'd probably faint again, if i fetch a taxi who knows what time i'll get home? the traffic was crazy! (& of course the argo would be as high as hell).. if i walked, it was still a long way home.. i finally decided that i'd walk, hoping that i could find an 'ojek' on the way.. so i started walking.. 10 ojek.. 20 metres.. still no ojek.. 30 metres.. god, where are all the ojek's?? i half heartedly continued to walk.. and walk.. and walk.. until i realized that i was in front of my aunt's gate. what? i walked that far??!!! pheeww!! it was all worth it when i came home, just in time for breaking, with a big glass of ice coconut water.. thank you Allah for giving me the strength for that day.. Alhamdulillah.. =)!

Monday, August 31, 2009

this is so typically me..

i always seem to feel lonely in a crowded place, but feel so 'crowded' in a quiet, lonely place.. 

i'm now back in jakarta where my real family is.. i mean, i'm happy to see them, all my cousins..especially my lovely niece..but, my heart always seems to be hollow here..

i miss my brothers.. i miss my fortress of solitude..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

what a nice weekend!

it was a long weekend coz monday was a holiday because it was indonesia's independence day.. 

i didn't hope too much that it was gonna be a fun weekend for me coz everybody was busy with their own businesses.. so i spent the whole saturday just eating, sleeping, watching tv & cleaning up the house a bit.. (the sleeping & watching tv had a bigger portion, of course..hihihi..).

waiting for mas hakim @ d office before going to Palembang

then it came dinner time, so i went to my brother's house to go eat. after we ate, they asked if i wanted to go karaoke.. OF COURSE i do!! so, the brother's (& sister) of house 330 went karaoke-ing.. after about 2 hours of false singing (except mas ephin who sings perfecto), i went to sleep with a big grin on my face..=)

i didn't do much on Sunday, pretty much doing the same ritual i do.. but the guys promised me that they would take me to Palembang on Monday to watch a movie.. did really wanna get my hopes high (coz i've been let down TWICE be them) but still i was excited for the next day!

@ PIM parking lot , with ampera bridge in the background.. can u see it?

the next day, things started a bit annoying coz mas yoma insisted that we should go to the Independence Ceremony.  good thing that the other guys didnt wanna go, so we only had to wait for him to go back untill we departed to Palembang. mas Satrio & his wife, Sisca decided that they wanted to join us.. so, that was nice.. THE MORE THE MERRIER..^^!!

we arrived @ Palembang at about 10.30 WIB, and went straight to PIM. i insisted to watch ICE AGE 3, but the guys didn't want to, so we chose to watch PUSH instead. fortunately, by the time we got there, PUSH already started, so it left us with only one choice, watch ICE AGE 3.. hurraaay!!! hihihi.. i knew it, good people always gets good things.. hahaha..

nothing like a cold scoop of ice cream at a hot day..^^

after that, we went to Internasional Plaza to watch MERANTAU.. i already warned the guys that this movie sucks, but they didn't believe me.. so oh well, i just waited til my point proved itself. and.. voila!! i was 100% right!! the movie was pointless!! VERY pointless.. ugh.. and they unwillingly admitted it.. hahaha..

before watching MERANTAU

anyway guys, another nice weekend for me.. thanks a bunch...^^!

Friday, August 14, 2009


who would make me LAUGH like NO ONE could

who would move the hair away from my eyes then kiss me

who would hold my hand in line at the mall & make all the girl jealous

who would SING to me at random moments

who would let me sleep at their chest

who would get mad at someone if they called me ugly or was mean to me

who would call me every night before i go to sleep

who would love to hear me sing, even with my false voice

who would know what i'm thinking without me having to have to say it

who would let me gossip to him and would just smile & agree with everything i said.. =)

who would throw stuffed animals to me when i acted dumb and then KISS ME a million times

who would make fun of me just to make me LAUGH

who would lend his shoulder for me to cry on

who would stay home with me on a friday night & help make dinner & watch movies together

and we'd argue about silly things then make up

but especially, who would be my best friend and would NEVER BREAK MY HEART

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

dear god, please give me inspiration!!!

ugh! i've got a deadline in two weeks to finish my report!! & there's nothing but a blank spot in my head.. 

need some inspiration.. need some enlightment.. need ideas.. need a vacation.. hohoho.. yup, a nice warm beach would be nice to refresh my thoughts & get inspirations..hhmm.. you wish dyta! where the hell could you find a beach around here?!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Here's a glimpse of my so called 'temporarily house' in prabumulih.. u should be able to imagine how lonely and quiet it is down here...


View from the Porch

View of the right side (that's my neighbour's house)

This is the car i usually drive (when there's a loan), hehe..

Dont ask the view in the back.. it's a little bit spooky, so i didn't take any pictures back there..hihi...

Monday, August 03, 2009

A Day of Brotherhood
at the end, we didn't get any cars to loan, which means that our plan to have fun go mad in Palembang failed..huhuhu.. we didn't even get to go to the studio to take pictures with our wearpacks..boohoohoooo...='((
really desperate in doing something or going somewhere on a beautiful sunny saturday, i decided to go to the boys house to force them to take me out somewhere.. so, at approximately 12 pm, i entered a house full of dead bodies, no, actually full of bodies lying still.. they're all still sound asleep!! so i just went along, screaming around the house waking them up one by one, trying (again) to force them to take me out.. but, unfortunately, they were all too lazy to go anywhere, especially coz we didnt have any vehicle except one motorbike to take us around..
so, i ended up spending the day at their house, doing nothing in particular, trying to solve mas hakim's rubik cube (which i succeeded & made mas evin really envious and frustrated coz he couldn't solve it..huahahaha), looking at mas hakim's picture's in Japan & Thailand, watching tv, and just hanging 'round the house doin nothing.. 
mas evin being taught how to solve the rubik's cube by mas hakim
mas evin frustrated coz he couldn't solve it..huahaha...=))
oia! i also learned to ride a motorcycle (hooray!!). the first time i ever succeded in riding a motorcycle..hihi.. well, i actually learned it by accident. didn't really wanna learn to ride one, but because i was starving, and nobody really wanted to take me out to eat, after a couple minutes of debated who should take me out to eat, mas hakim finally lost, and took me out. unfortunately, he didn't want to ride the motorcycle, so he forced me to ride it myself, him sitting in the back. i then 'unwillingly' gathered up my courage and tried.. and i did it!! hurray!! well, i almost fell a couple of times, but didn't.. haha.. when we came back, i went around screaming around their house (i think it's becoming a habit of mine..=p), announcing to them that i successfully rode a motorcycle for the first time of my life...huahahaha..  eventhough their response was cold, like it was no big deal, i didn't care, it was a huge breakthrough for meeeeee! yay \(^o^)/ !!!!!!
after playing around the house doing nothing, it finally got dark, so we decided to go have dinner (by this time, we finally got a car to loan..hihi..). we planned to go eat at joglo, but when we arrived it was already closed (yes, at 8 pm!!). so we then chose to eat at lombok ijo.
the day ended up with me having a nice feeling of brotherhood (huahaha), and them probably bothered with my existance and squeeky voice...hohoho... prepare yourselves for another invasion boys!!! huahahahaha...=))

Friday, July 31, 2009

wew.. it's already more than half a year since i last blogged!! that means.. my internship is almost over!!! yesss!!!! hohoho..

ok ok, so lets recap the things that have happened since i left patra jasa..

#1. my first internship was in Jakarta, Kwarnas Building, Central Jakarta. didnt really have much to do than eat, sleep (really, we REALLY did sleep at the office!! haha.), browse whenever there's an idle computer, then go home.. that was pretty much what we did for about 2.5 months.. hehe..

                                                            @ Gedung Kwarnas

#2. our office moved to another buliding @ Menara Standard Chartered, South Jakarta. It's a pretty elite building with high security access. very cold air conditioning, & we can drink as much hot chocolate or coffee as we want.. haha.. the work, well, there are times when we wish we could have more time, but there are times when we hope time would soon pass by so we could go home to our warm beds..hehe..

  Menara StandChart From Plaza Semanggi

  @ Our Cubicle 


@ the common room where we drink up all the hot chocolate..^^

@ our cube again..

#3. the third and current situation i'm in is, my second phase internship, which takes hold in the remote area. i (people say luckily) got Prabumulih, South Sumatera, Ool got Jambi, and Keke got Rantau. I'll tell u the truth, the first night i slept alone in a lonely, abandoned house, i cried my tears out.. which means i couldn't sleep at all, resulting puffy eyes and a runny nose in the morning.. but, as time passes by, now i feel comfortable here, especially bcoz everybody is so welcome and nice to me... the work, well, pretty much the same..

  @ Rig H40D Merbau

me infront of the rig

@ NR, the one and only entertainment in Prabumulih..

We're planning to go to Palembang this Saturday to catch a movie.. if we can get anyone to lend us a car, that is.. hehe.. wish us luck..^^v!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i hate goodbye's.. it's always been hard for me to say goodbye, i'd prefer saying, "see u later" than goodbye. it has a more positive & optimistic meaning i guess..
i recently met new friends, a new community, that actually made my life 'brighter'.. but all of a sudden, just when we were beginning to get close, to know each other more, all was taken away from me again.. we all had to go our separate ways, for now.
but, i guess that's life.. there are meetings & separations, greetings & farewells, sadness & happiness, good & bad, everything has it balance..
just wish that we could have time to prepare the balance, so we wont have any regrets. but life would be to easy, huh?
anyways, see u later my dear friends, wish you the greatest luck & success!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

this afternoon, kak keke and i went weekly shopping to carrefour.. eventhough we never tried it by ourselves before, we decided to take the 'metromini'..

after waiting for a few minutes our ride finally came, and we went on, although struggling to balance our feet coz the driver already started to drive before we had a chance to sit..

all was running well, when i remembered something.."how the hell do we say stop?!". I asked keke and she didn't know either.. is it "kiri mas..", "berhenti mas..", or what?

trying to figure out how to say it, we didn't realize that we almost missed our destination, keke & i panicked, "kak, dah nyampe kak!!!" finally, panickly, keke yelled, "bang! minggir bang!!!", the driver didn't hear her. "MINGGIIIIIRRRR!!!!!" , as soon as she shouted that, every single eye on the passengers head turned to us.. oh god, they must of thought, what kind of thug shouted? and after they realized it was two girls shouting, they turned in complete shock..

so, saving ourselves from humiliation, we hurried and got off the metromini, laughing hillariously at ourselves...=)

Happy New Year!!!

New year, new life, new beginning..

After all the dramas in my life last year, i (think) i've finally found an enlightment..
Hopefully, all will be good this year..

Starting with a new job, i hope my last years resolution will finally happen..=)

Just wait and see my big surprise...^.^