everybody i know seems to be getting married these days.. my brother dany is getting married in october, my bestfriend kiky is getting married next week, two of my exes are getting married in august (why should it be in the same month?), my neighbour(s) are getting married..
should it pressure me? well, probably not.. but here in Indonesia, in the 'east culture' people seem to still think that women have to get married in a young age.. at least, not more than 25 years old, or else, you'll be called an old virgin. that hurts. you know, regarding that i'm currently 25 years old, and my marriage plans are still quite a blur..
so, i guess, yes, it does pressure me once in a while.. i mean, even my mom and dad(!) now always talks about marriage..maybe its just because the euphoria of preparing dany's marriage. i hope.
well, i guess, i should just go on with my life, live life the fullest, and see what goes on!!! ciayo!!!
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