Wednesday, September 16, 2009

*indonesian version # 2

While You Were Talking

ak punya kebiasaan buruk.. i like to fall asleep during a phone call! yup, ini sering terjadi padaku dan semakin menjadi belakangan ini.. jadi me & my BF (garing) punya kebiasaan untuk telponan sebelum tidur.. nah, disitulah ak sering tertidur bahkan ampe mimpi segala..

berikut beberapa kejadian yang memiriskan itu..

kejadian 1

garing : yang, steve jobs itu keren bgt loh yang..

me : oia? kerennya dmn yang?

garing : iya, dia itu ide2nya brilian.. bla..bla..bla..

me : ...*silent*

garing : gitu yang.....halo? halo yang? halo??


tiba2 ak kaget, terlompat dari di tempat tidur.. ternyata ak tertidur,& tadi setelah si garing memanggil2ku beberapa kali & ga ada sahutan, dia mematikan telponnya & menelponku kembali utk membangunkanku.. hhhmmm...

kejadian 2

me : yang, beda iphone 3G sama 3Gs apa sih yang?

garing : yang 3Gs kan dah ada videonya yang..

me : oo gitu, trus apalagi yang?

garing : ya ga banyak.. palingan OSnya, tp OS km kan dah ak upgrade-in kmrn, jd dah sama aja ama OS 3Gs.. selain itu, ...bla..bla..bla....

me : ...*silent*

garing : bla..bla..bla..

me : yang, dah slesai km masaknya?

garing : huh? km ngomong apa sih yang?

me : huh? *menyadari bahwa ak tertidur&mimpi si garing lg masak*... ak ga ngomong apa2 kok..

garing : km mimpi lg ya yang?

me : ngga kok!!!

garing : *sigh* yaudah, km tidur aja gih sana..

huhu.. maaf ya yang, krn ak sering fall asleep while you were talking...='(

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

*indonesian version (lagi males berbahasa inggris..hihihi)

dulu pernah kerja diperusahaan telekomunikasi.. sebagai account manager.. istilahnya sih keren, ada embel2 managernya, padahal artinya ya marketing juga.. jadi kita tugasnya mengelola (memanage) account2(nasabah2) yang kita miliki.. banyak suka-dukanya sih kerja di perusahaan telekomunikasi ini, salah satunya kita dituntut harus update segala macam hal ttg teknologi telekomunikasi, baik mulai dari telepon rumah, GSM & CDMA technology, internet, maupun secure network seperti VPN atau frame relay... bebeubeuh...apaan tuh? sempet kerepotan sih awalnya (sampe terakhir jg masih bingung sih ttg VPN & frame relay itu..hihi), tp lama2 terbiasa juga..

berikut salah satu kisah bodohku sebagai marketing :

Tempat : kantor klienku

Kejadian : visiting klien sekalian nawarin produk

Kronologi :

ak : halo pak.. pa kabar nih??

klien X : oh, baik baik.. gmn mba dyta, dah lama ya ga maen kesini..

ak : hehe, iya pak lg byk orderan nih, jd baru sempet maen kesini skrg.. sori ya pak..hehe.. (pdhl orderan jg ga byk2 amat, dasar males aja jualan..hoho..)

setelah berbasa-basi selama +/- 10 menit, akhirnya si bapak nanya,

klien X : jd gmn, apa produk terbaru kalian??

ak : (aha! kebetulan sekali!) oh ini pak... kita punya layanan CDMA terbaru pak, ada paket ini..bla..bla..bla.. cobain dong pak.. saya jg ga pake loh..

klien X : ah, kalo CDMA pasti jelek, suka kaya GSM..

ak : ngga dong pak, itukan dulu, skrg jaringan CDMA kita dah disempurnain, dah ga pernah call drop lg..

kriiiinggg...!! (tiba2 hp CDMAku berbunyi..--> bunyinya kok kring sih dyt?jadul bgt..hoho..)

ak : (oh, ternyata klienku, pak A) sebentar ya Pak, saya terima dulu

klien X : oh, silahkan silahkan..

ak : *menerima telepon*.. selamat siang pak A.. pa kabar?

pak A : siang mba Dyta... mba, saya mau nanya... tuut..tut..tuuuuuttt..

(oh my god! teleponnya call drop! padahal baru aja ak promosiin kalo CDMAnya ga pernah call drop lg.. gmn dong?) akhirnya dengan bodohnya...

ak : oh, tentang pemasangan telepon kantor bapak ya.. oh, udah beres pak.. siang ini bakal kita install.. ok pak.. iya, makasi.. iya, sama2 pak.. selamat siang..

ak ngomong sendiri kaya orang gila, untungnya aktingku lumayan, jadi si klien X keliatannya percaya2 aja tuh..hihihi..(untungnya jg, ga ada telepon masuk lg)

Alhamdulillah, setelah itu ak berhasil menjual 1 buah CDMA ama si klien X.. makasi pak X..=), maaf telah mengelabuimu dengan aktingku yang ciamik..hihihi..;))

*sebagai catatan, produk CDMA kami sekarang dah bener2 sempurna lowh..bener2 ga pernah call drop lagi.. suer deh..^^v!!

I'm Coming Home Mama..=)!!

Yay! Just 3 more days and i'll be back @ my hometown, Medan.. Cant hardly wait..^^!

Plans when i get back :

  1. Meet my dear Ameera for the first time!!!
  2. Hug & Kiss My Mom & Dad..^^ (oh yeah, my brother too.. miss u dance'!!hihi..)
  3. Get a facial (a must!)
  4. Take a nap in my own bed (oh beddy, i miss your cozy self!!)
  5. Meet up with my fav cousins, Getta, Ninon & Sheila
  6. Meet up with my bestfriends (G-11, i miss u guys!!!)
  7. Eat Medan culinary! (duren, kerang rebus, dimsum nelayan, nasi goreng surya, lontong bu seri (with bakwan), sop sipirok, nasi padang garuda/uni emi, martabak gapa, sate padang, tahu isi endang, sate kerang)
  8. Go to cambridge (wanna see how 'cool' it is)
  9. Go to grandma's house
  10. Buy sandals & a matching purse
  11. Fitting my kebaya's

Hhmm..what else?? Oh, i'll just think of it on the way.. Medan.. Here i cooommeee...^^!!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

i'm currently listening to.. 

fall for you by secondhand serenade

just love the music & lyrics..=)

Friday, September 04, 2009


The second day i arrived in Jakarta, i was 'welcomed' by an earthquake!! Jakarta was hit by an earthquake, which was centralized in Tasikmalaya, 7,6SR. It was told that about 40 people died in Tasik because of this quake & alot more were injured. My deepest condolesense for the quakes victims & their families.

Here's my story..

It all started when my friends & i were getting ready to go home from the office..(it was about 2.50pm), when suddenly i felt a slight vibration, below me.. than the building started to shake.. At first we were just laughing and walked slowly towards the emergency stairs, but then started to panic when the shaking became stronger & we were stuck in the stairways with everybody in the building..

But finally, after climbing down 15 stories (with my highheels on!!) we finally reached the ground floor and went outside to the muster point. There really wasnt any muster point, so we just tried to find our other fellow officemates. Fortunately everyone was safe, except Mr. Faried who decided not to go down (dont know the reason why though). That was when we realized that we didn't bring our bags with us. I only got to bring my iPhone, without my wallet & pretty much the same with my friends.. so we had to wait til the situation was safe enough to go back to get our belongings..

After waiting for about half an hour we were allowed to enter the building again, but my friends and i didnt dare to go, so we asked our friends who went to fetch our bags. We finally got our bags and headed home..

But that was only half my story that day.. Here's the other half..

So I went home at about 4.30pm, riding the metromini again but unfortunately every metro was so crowded! But because i wanted to get back home in time for fast breaking, i decided to ride that crowded metro.. when we were @ gatsu, i suddenly felt dizzy, nauseaus, & started to sweat heavily. i realized that i was starting to faint (coz i've fainted a lot of times, i know the symptoms..hehe), i started to panic coz there wasnt any room for me to sit down or squat (i was standing up the whole time). so when we reached kuningan, i decided to get off. so i got off, & really started to faint.. there was like a cold breeze coming towards me (even though the sun was extremely hot that day) i couldnt think at all & remembered that i just sat there, in the side of the road..(hahaha, must be a very pathetic site of me!)

dont really remember how long i sat there, but than my vision became normal again. a slight dilemma than came over me, if i ride the metro again, i'd probably faint again, if i fetch a taxi who knows what time i'll get home? the traffic was crazy! (& of course the argo would be as high as hell).. if i walked, it was still a long way home.. i finally decided that i'd walk, hoping that i could find an 'ojek' on the way.. so i started walking.. 10 ojek.. 20 metres.. still no ojek.. 30 metres.. god, where are all the ojek's?? i half heartedly continued to walk.. and walk.. and walk.. until i realized that i was in front of my aunt's gate. what? i walked that far??!!! pheeww!! it was all worth it when i came home, just in time for breaking, with a big glass of ice coconut water.. thank you Allah for giving me the strength for that day.. Alhamdulillah.. =)!