A Day of Brotherhood
at the end, we didn't get any cars to loan, which means that our plan to have fun go mad in Palembang failed..huhuhu.. we didn't even get to go to the studio to take pictures with our wearpacks..boohoohoooo...='((
really desperate in doing something or going somewhere on a beautiful sunny saturday, i decided to go to the boys house to force them to take me out somewhere.. so, at approximately 12 pm, i entered a house full of dead bodies, no, actually full of bodies lying still.. they're all still sound asleep!! so i just went along, screaming around the house waking them up one by one, trying (again) to force them to take me out.. but, unfortunately, they were all too lazy to go anywhere, especially coz we didnt have any vehicle except one motorbike to take us around..
so, i ended up spending the day at their house, doing nothing in particular, trying to solve mas hakim's rubik cube (which i succeeded & made mas evin really envious and frustrated coz he couldn't solve it..huahahaha), looking at mas hakim's picture's in Japan & Thailand, watching tv, and just hanging 'round the house doin nothing..

mas evin being taught how to solve the rubik's cube by mas hakim

mas evin frustrated coz he couldn't solve it..huahaha...=))
oia! i also learned to ride a motorcycle (hooray!!). the first time i ever succeded in riding a motorcycle..hihi.. well, i actually learned it by accident. didn't really wanna learn to ride one, but because i was starving, and nobody really wanted to take me out to eat, after a couple minutes of debated who should take me out to eat, mas hakim finally lost, and took me out. unfortunately, he didn't want to ride the motorcycle, so he forced me to ride it myself, him sitting in the back. i then 'unwillingly' gathered up my courage and tried.. and i did it!! hurray!! well, i almost fell a couple of times, but didn't.. haha.. when we came back, i went around screaming around their house (i think it's becoming a habit of mine..=p), announcing to them that i successfully rode a motorcycle for the first time of my life...huahahaha.. eventhough their response was cold, like it was no big deal, i didn't care, it was a huge breakthrough for meeeeee! yay \(^o^)/ !!!!!!
after playing around the house doing nothing, it finally got dark, so we decided to go have dinner (by this time, we finally got a car to loan..hihi..). we planned to go eat at joglo, but when we arrived it was already closed (yes, at 8 pm!!). so we then chose to eat at lombok ijo.
the day ended up with me having a nice feeling of brotherhood (huahaha), and them probably bothered with my existance and squeeky voice...hohoho... prepare yourselves for another invasion boys!!! huahahahaha...=))